Lab Accreditation

Highlights of the TSANZ NATA Respiratory Function Laboratory Accreditation Program

Date: Saturday 12th October 2024
Time: 9:00 - 10:30

Time Session
9:00 - 9:45

Introducing the TSANZ/NATA Respiratory Function Laboratory
Accreditation Program Part 1

9:45 - 10:30

Introducing the TSANZ/NATA Respiratory Function Laboratory
Accreditation Program Part 2

Sonya Johnston

Highlights of the TSANZ/NATA Respiratory Function Laboratory Accreditation Program

Date: Saturday 12th October 2024
Time: 11:00 - 12:30

Session Chair:
Anne Holland
Anne Holland
Time Session
11:00 - 11:45

Understanding the TSANZ/NATA Respiratory Function Laboratory Accreditation Standard

& Sonya Johnston
11:45 - 12:30

Panel Discussion

, Sonya Johnston & TSANZ Rep

NATA Technical Assessor Development Program

Date: Saturday 12th October 2024
Time: 1:30 - 3:00

Time Session
1:30 - 2:15

Assessment Process and Assessor Roles

NATA Educator,
2:15 - 3:00

Assessment Preparation and Delivery

NATA Educator,

NATA Technical Assessor Development Program

Date: Saturday 12th October 2024
Time: 3:30 - 5:00

Time Session
3:30 - 4:10

Assessment Findings

NATA Educator, Sonya Johnston
4:10 - 4:45

Post Assessment Requirements

NATA Educator, Sonya Johnston
4:45 - 5:00

Q and A

Key Dates

Registration open

March 2024

Early bird registration closes

9 August 2024

Standard Registration

After 9 August 2024

Accommodation Booking Deadline

9 September 2024

TSANZ Ed Hub 2024

10 - 12 October 2024